CEP vendor spotlight: Fyrefly Photography

A week or so ago, I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Nathan Peel of Fyrefly Photography. We have very similiar thoughts on our couples and our business philosophy. And other than being a UK fan (try not to hold that against him)…. he’s really a great guy and wonderful photographer. He happily answered our vendor spotlight questions and sent us 5 of his favorite photos. We had to include one of him as well – be sure to check out his site + blog for more eye candy.

Now onto our q + a…..
[1] Tell us how you came up with the name Fyrefly Photography
I wish I had an amazing story about a great, great grandmother whose middle name was Fyrefly but I don’t. It’s just an intentionally misspelled name that had a simple domain name available. Obviously the misspelling is designed to catch people’s attention but other than that it’s just a name. Maybe I should just make up a cool backstory about Louise “Fyrefly” Peel:)

[2] In five words or less, describe your business philosophy
Be nice. Nobody wants to work with or even be around someone who’s mean. You will go a lot of places in life just by treating people well.

[3] In three words or less describe your personality

[4] What inspires you
In a word: love. It’s inspiring to see people demonstrate authentic love for each other. It doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic or intimate…some of the most inspiring stories for me happen when a complete stranger takes time out to help someone just because it’s the right thing to do. I aspire to be that stranger.

[5] Favorite three places to shoot
I don’t know if I could pick three specific places. I feel like I am inspired to take pictures wherever I am but…I tend to gravitate to old and/or broken down places the most. I love the aesthetic of an abandoned factory or historic buildings. If I’m shooting for myself I usually drive around in old parts of the city until I see something that catches my eye.

[6] What do you love most about what you do
Friendships. One of my goals with every couple is for them to think of me as a friend before their wedding day even starts. So I make it a point to get to know every couple in authentic ways so I’m not just another wedding vendor but someone they might want to grab coffee with long after they are done with my services.

[7] If you could have lunch with anyone who would it be
The sky’s the limit on this one but I’ll keep it photography related. I really dig the style and philosophy of Jose Villa right now so I would probably chose him. His ability to capture moments that are both authentic and look amazing are unparalleled…and he does it all on film, in the camera!

[8] If you had three wishes what would they be
1. To know that my wife and kids would always be taken care of no matter what.2. To never grow tired of chasing dreams.3. This is a little “pageant-y” but…I have been dreaming about a way to use photography/art to set up a non-profit that supports AIDS orphans in Africa. I’m not sure how it would work but I am passionate about both so I think it could.

[9] If you had to pick a theme song, what would it be
It would be a toss up between “All You Need is Love” by the Beatles or “Head Full of Doubt” by the Avett Brothers. Both have incredible messages.

[10]Skyline Chili or Gold Star Chili
Are there people out there who would choose Gold Star over Skyline? I don’t eat it too much, but if I was choosing it would be Skyline 1000 times out of 1000.

the photographer

the photos

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